The "Queenie" Bag is the perfect bag when you need a large bag. Great for projects, overnighters, or just hauling around "STUFF"
SIZE: 17" X 20"
Outside Bag and Inside Pockets - 1 2/3 Yards
Outside Pockets, Tabs and Zipper Inserts - 1 1/8 Yard
Inside Bag - 1 Yard
Handles - 1/4 Yard
Soft and Stable - 1 2/3 Yards x 56”
Wide Canvas - 1 1/8 Yard x 40” Wide
Extra Heavy Weight Stabilizer 1/2 Yard x 18” Wide
20” Zipper
4 Decorative Purse Feet
11/16” Cording - 2 1/2 Yard